Right Carpet For Your Home

Submitted by: harry crumb60

If you walk into any carpeting store, you’ll find

yourself amazed at all of the choices that are there

for you to pick from. You’ll find textured plush

carpets, saxony carpets, berber carpets, and even

commercial grade carpets. There are carpets that

can be installed wall to wall, and carpets that can

e cut to size with bound edges and carpet squares.

Your first consideration when purchasing a new carpet

should not be color, even though it is important.

Your first consideration should be how much traffic

you are going to have on the carpet. If you plan

to put carpet in the bedroom, then it won’t have as

much traffic as carpet in the living room.

Stain resistance will also be important. This is

something to think about with any carpet, especially

carpet that is going to be used in a dining room

or play room area where there will be a stready


stream of food or possibilities for spills.

You’ll also want to inquire about the rating of the

carpet as well. Indoor carpeting is normally rated

on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest

ating. Carpets with a 5 rating are considered the

est for heavy traffic areas. Rating of 4 are

considered outstanding and recommended for heavy

traffic areas of your home.

Ratings of 2.5 to 4 would provide normal durability

for your home. Carpets that rate 2.5 or lowe

should only be used with light traffic areas, such

as bedrooms. Choosing carpet based on the type of

traffic it will receive can help you save a lot

of money down the road, although you should buy

carpet suited to your needs and requirements.

The highest quality of carpet you can buy is carpet

made of wool. Wool carpets are very expensive,

although you’ll reap the benefits over years of

use as wool will easily out perform any man

made carpet. Two of the best benefits of wool

carpet include its natural soil resistance and

it’s ability to retain appearance, meaning it

won’t crush or wear down like other carpets.

The downside to wool carpet, is the fact that it

is out of reach for most of us. If you can’t

afford to have woold carpet installed throughout

your entire house, then you should instead have

it installed in the room that receives the highest

amount of traffic.

There are several different man made carpets that

you can choose from as well. If you have a high

traffic area, then nylon would be an ideal choice

due to the durability. Nylon is stain resistant

as well, and repels mildew.

Carpets made of olefin is also a great choice fo

high traffic areas as it is very strong and easy

to clean. Polyester is another good carpet as

it is easy to clean and repels water based stains.

Polyester is known for the look and feel of wool,

although it is much less expensive.

The color consideration is also important. Light

colored carpets create an effect of a large

space, although they do tend to show stains more

easily. Dark carpets on the other hand tend to

absorb light, giving a room what many know as

the “cozy feeling”.

When you find a carpet that appeals to you, you

should ask to take a piece of it home. Look at

it during natural daylight and at night unde

an artificial light to see if the color changes

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