Tubeify: Mashup Of You Tube, Last.Fm And Billboard

Submitted by: Adam Dayyyy

YouTube has become the music player for millions of people. This experience works well for single tracks, but there is a need for a true music video jukebox. Enter Tubeify , which is a mashup of YouTube, Billboard and This joining is well-suited for music time travelers and casual listeners alike. The Tubeify site lets users search for and discover, then queue and play video clips in a web browser.

Tubeify features advanced searching capabilities, and it’s very usable. It makes for an excellent YouTube jukebox. One of the best parts is the timetravel feature from Billboard, which allows users to pull up a Billboard records chart from any week after 1964, and listen to the chart toppers of the time.

Tubeify is the brainstorm of Tomas Isdal, who is a PhD student at the University of Washington. He was involved in research projects for BitTorrent, including the DCMA printer study and OneSwarm. But make no mistake, Tubeify isn’t a research project. It is something real and working, and it aims at turning YouTube into a better music player.


Isdal says he came up with the idea about a year ago, when Time Warner and YouTube signed a deal that meant license agreements with the Big 4 record labels. Isdal says that he used YouTube for most of his music listening, but he wanted a better interface.

Isdal wanted to be able to continue to listen to a video while he was searching for another, and he was annoyed by duplicate clips that come up in the search results at YouTube. He does enjoy, however, the huge playlist at YouTube, including tracks of music that are not licensed. So he took on the challenge of coming up with a better player for YouTube.

Tubeify was designed to feel like a more traditional music player for your desktop, like iTunes. But Isdal still wanted it to be web-based, so that you can access it from anywhere. He fixed some of the parts of YouTube that he wasn’t happy with, and added things he wanted to see in a music player. The resulting mashup works very well.

You can search for music on Tubeify using’s api, and the current track keeps playing while you are searching, unlike YouTube. You can pin your search results to the sidebar, and access them later on. You can also use drag and drop to add songs to your play queue and your playlists. You can even share your playlists with friends, by pasting the link on Facebook, Twitter, or within an email. Tubeify is an excellent way to enjoy the best features of YouTube.

You can search for music on Tubeify using’s api, and the current track keeps playing while you are searching, unlike YouTube. You can pin your search results to the sidebar, and access them later on. You can also use drag and drop to add songs to your play queue and your playlists. You can even share your playlists with friends, by pasting the link on Facebook, Twitter, or within an email. Tubeify is an excellent way to enjoy the best features of YouTube.

You never know what will be a hit and what will be ignored on YouTube, but it’s certainly fun to discover the newest videos and the way people unite around them, showing the power of You Tube.

About the Author: YouTube, but it’s certainly fun to discover the newest videos and the way people unite around them, showing the power of YouTube.You will get more information by visiting


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